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The abstract submission for #RESUS24 is now closed!

All abstracts will be peer reviewed and results will be communicated on 15th July 2024.

Abstract Submission Guidelines

Abstracts will be accepted only if they meet the following requirements:

  • Written in English
  • Submitted online before the deadline - 16th June 2024
  • Abstracts will only be accepted and published if the presenter of the abstract has registered for the congress
  • An abstract title should be brief, clearly indicating the nature of the study
  • Maximum 300 words, including references
  • Abbreviations are allowed but must be clearly define
  • The number of references is limited to 5
  • Abstracts can contain illustrations and/or graphs
Abstracts must be organised as follows:
  • Purpose of the study
  • Materials and methods
  • Results presented in sufficient detail to support the conclusions
  • Conclusions

Which abstracts can be submitted:

  • An abstract can be submitted before a paper is submitted
  • An abstract can be submitted after a paper is submitted
  • If an abstract is accepted and in the meantime the submitted paper is accepted but not published, you can submit your abstract
  • If an abstract is accepted and in the meantime the submitted paper is accepted and published, you must notify the ERC office and withdraw your abstract

Submission topics:

  • Acute Coronary Syndromes
  • Advanced Life Support (including manual defibrillation, drugs, advanced airways, ECPR, mechanical devices)
  • Basic Life Support and AED
  • Education and Implementation (including simulation)
  • Epidemiology and outcomes
  • New technology
  • Paediatric resuscitation
  • Post resuscitation care (including prognostication, rehabilitation)
  • Rapid response systems and prevention of cardiac arrest
  • Resuscitation Systems (including dispatch, EMS systems)
  • Special circumstances (includes trauma, mass casualties, toxicology)

Abstract presentation formats

Selected abstracts will be assigned to different presentation formats:

  • Young Investigator Award (YIA)

This category is dedicated to showing outstanding work of young researchers (under 35) and presenting top research in the field.

- All finalists of the YIA competition will be granted free entrance to Resuscitation 2024.

  • Best of the Best Award

The best abstracts submitted will be presented during this session.

- All finalists of the Best of the Best competition will be granted free entrance to Resuscitation 2024.

    • Poster tour presentation

    Selected researchers will be able to present their research as a poster. Poster tours will be organised during the congress, where visitors can engage with the presenters and discuss their research.